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new albums!

Purple Modern Florals

coastal garden floral album

Lime Petals Album

Muted Garden Florals Album

its that time again!!! we’ve got some new albums to add to our collection!!!

Along with these new albums…. we are introducing 2 new color schemes to our options as well!!! A Yellow + Black Color scheme and a Muted Neutrals {Grays, Taupes, and Browns!} color scheme!!

i’m loving these super fun SPRING time fabrics! all albums are now available in our Etsy shop!!!


sneak peak… A New Venture!!!

we are super thrilled to take our albums in another direction! due to popular demand, we are selling our albums as guestbooks!

{either wedding and shower guest books… or… guestbooks for a home or vacation home!!!}

here is a sneak peak of a fabulous new cover coming your way!

check out our etsy shop for the products!

Apartment Therapy Feature

AHH! Our baby books were featured in the kids section of Apartment Therapy!! Check it out!! Mention you found us on Apartment Therapy and get a free baby book pen with your order!!!

featured on babyology

SO excited to be featured on an fab Austrailian Baby website called… Babyology!!

super cute and fun website!! have fun browsing! 🙂


So exicted for these brand spankin’ new covers to add to our collection of baby books!

blue java vines

green & orange stripe

red brocade

navy blue brocade

pink & green damask

blue & brown damask

pink & brown damask

chocolate petals

pink petals

All covers are available NOW in our ETSY SHOP and on our WEBSITE!!


We are beyond thrilled to be featured in the

September 2010 Issue of Pregnancy and Newborn Magazine!!!!

our Linen Wildflowers Album was featured!

floral freshness!

green brocade album

paisley linen album

some floral freshness for that sweet new little baby ! up for sale in our Etsy shop!

purple obsession

solid vibrant purple album

Lavender Stripes Album

we’ve had quite a few requests for a purple color scheme and albums that coordinate! of course the lavender color scheme works beautifully with the solid chocolate brown album, or the chocolate damask album… we’ve added two lavender albums that are just perfect for the mom who’s just plain sick of pink 🙂

little girls

oooh too cute. layla grayce never fails to stun me with adorableness… i LOVE aqua for a little girl!

summer & ice cream

how adorable are these?! perfect for summer entertaining!! and… $15 for 4! such a deal!

they also come in red… yum… homemade ice cream on a warm summer night 🙂

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June 2024